
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Garden stuff

I know I promised cards, but they haven't been delivered yet ... tomorrow though. In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures from my spring flower garden. My bff Sabrina turned me on to allium (I love, love, love the dried version) and so dh tilled up a bed and planted some, along with tulips, daffodils, and grape hyacinth - isn't he just the best! My dear little brother (not so little anymore I think he's nearing 50!) gave me a gift card for Home Depot for xmas last year and we used it to get these bulbs. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful they look - so I'll just show you a few pix. I'm experimenting and learning to use my camera still, so bear with me.

I'm going to keep taking pix of the allium as it continues to bloom so watch for more progress pictures.

Thanks for visiting!


Design Team Member - Catch the Bug
Design Team Member - Kaboodle Doodles

If you have any questions about techniques or materials used in the work displayed on this blog, feel free to use the email link on the left and I will gladly answer your questions.


Cat Tidwell said...

These are soo gorgeous...I think I can smell them! Thanks for sharing your beauties!

Diane said...

Lucky you!!! Those are gorgeous!
Enjoy your flowers and TFS the pics with us Northerners still in the cold,lol!

Myrna said...

Hi Chris
Your flowers are lovely. Anxious to watch the unfolding. Especially since we are getting hit with more snow and if my tulips are peeking out they will be icicles. lol

Tammy said...

These are absolutely gorgeous Chris!

Anonymous said...

Lovely blossoms and sunlight framed in wonderful photos! keep on posting.

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