
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Some recent treats from the mailman

I'm taking a few days off from crafting to recover from a case of pneumonia, but I wanted to share a couple of cards I got recently:

Here's one from Juanita:

Here's one from LeAnne:

Thank you so much for visiting. I'll be back in a couple of days and also back reading and commenting on all my favorite blogs. I have discovered that I need to clean up my google reader - I had over 800 new blog posts after only a couple of days - overwhelming! I marked everything as read and I'm starting over.


A Proud member of The Lime Light
Come visit us and see what we've been up to.
Design Team Member - Kaboodle Doodles


BarbK said...

I hope you feel better soon. It's a terrible time of year to have pneumonia. Take care, Chris.

Monica-FC said...

love the cards and take care of yourself. that is nasty when its bad.

raindropecho said...

Oooh these are such gorgeous cards! HOpe you feel better soon, Chris!

Tracy.H said...

Wow! You must have a ton of Blogs in that GoogleReader!! You take care of yourself and get better. :0)

Max said...

Oh dear Chris.
Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Take it really easy 'cos pneumonia has a nasty habit of lingering and striking again while your resistence is low.
Thanks for popping by and leaving me a message. Will let you know when my parcel arrives.

Curt in Indy said...

Wow kiddo! That's not something to play with! You get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. Get better soon! Take care! Curt

LeAnne said...

OMW, I hope you are doing better! REST! Forget about those 800 posts (I thought I had a lot--yikes!)

Cat Tidwell said...

Oh lucky you, gorgeous cards! I hope you are feeling better soon Chris! Rest is a GOOD thing!

Anonymous said...

Take care darlin, rest up and get better! Nice RAKS!

Diane said...

Oh Chris,I hope you are feeling better!!! Beautiful cards you rec'd!

Libby Hickson said...

Oh Chris, I'm so sorry you've been sick - and that I didn't read about it and wish you well sooner! I'm glad you're starting to feel better! Take care!!

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