
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A wonderful award from my bloggy buddy Cat!

I got this award from my bloggy buddy Cat - you really NEED to go and visit her blog - Cat's Creations - and check out all her absolutely fabulous creations. I promise it will be worth your time!

I am supposed to answer all these questions and then pass this award on to 5 fellow bloggy buddies:

1. Where is your cell phone? in my pocket

2. Your hair? a mess

3. Your mother? in warm and sunny Florida

4. Your father? not as warm in New Jersey

5. Your fave food? popcorn

6. Your dream last night? crafty

7. Your fave drink? Mt. Dew

8. Your dream/goal? to have all the time I want to craft and create

9. What room are you in? office

10. Your hobby? all things creative - pottery, paper, fabric, yarn ...

11. Your fear? heights

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? retired

13. Where you were last night? home

14. Something that you aren’t? organized

15. Muffins? cranberry

16. Wish List Item? more hours in the day

17. Where did you grow up? PA and NJ

18. Last thing you did? posted on my blog

19. What are you wearing? jeans, sweater, shirt

20. Your TV? no

21. Your Pets? two cats - Harold and Maude

22. Friends? cherished

23. Your Life? hectic

24. Your Mood? pretty good

25. Missing Someone? no

26. Vehicle? forrester

27. Something your not wearing? makeup

28. Your fave store? anything crafty

29. Your fave color? purple

30. Last time you laughed? 5 minutes ago

31. Last time you cried? can't remember

32. Your best friend? don't have just one - lots - lucky me!

33. One place that I go to over and over? office

34. One person who emails regularly? sabrina

35. Fave place to eat? Carrabas

36. Facebook? yes

But here are the 5 I am passing this on to (I apologize profusely if you have already received this):


See Cat - I can't count either!

Thanks for visiting.


A Proud member of The Lime Light
Come visit us and see what we've been up to.
Design Team Member - Kaboodle Doodles

If you have any questions about techniques or materials used in the work displayed on this blog, feel free to use the email link on the left and I will gladly answer your questions.


Curt in Indy said...

Nice to know more about you! Best, Curt

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