
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

RIP My Sweet Boy!

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to our darling Harold.  He has been a part of our family since 1998, but he just got too tired and too sick to go on anymore.  He had a good life and I will cherish my memories of him forever. 

He was an excellent companion for the last 17 years and he will be missed!  We love you Harry!

Thanks for visiting! 

If you have any questions about the techniques or materials used in the work displayed on this blog, feel free to use the email link on the left and I will gladly answer your questions.


Ritasue said...

I am so very sorry for your loss, especially at this time of year. I know your furry family member will be greatly missed.

Wanda Williams said...

Chris, I'm so sorry to hear about Harold's passing. What a sweet cat. Hugs to you and John!

Myrna said...

It is always so hard to say goodbye to our fur babies. Thinking of you.

LeAnne said...

Aw, I am so sorry to hear that, Chris. He looks like an amazing kitty, I am sure you will miss him but you will always have your memories to cherish!

Edwina said...

He was beautiful. I lost 2 sweet kitties this past year. I understand your lost. One looked a lot like your kitty. I hope you can find happiness in the memories. Edwina Brown

Sue from Oregon said...

Hugs Christine. It just is not an easy thing.Harold was a beautiful cat!

Nicky said...

It is always so hard to say goodbye to your kitty. Thinking of you.
Nicky from France

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